Unrelenting Advocacy. Impressive Results.

Buffalo, New York, Motor Vehicle Accident Attorneys

Our experience with motor vehicle accidents extends far beyond automobile accidents. We understand you may be confused about what is involved in settling your claim, or if you even have a claim. You are probably feeling exhausted, frustrated and confused, so we want to make the process as easy on you as possible.

That is why you need accident lawyers you can trust, and who have the skill, experience and knowledge to get you the verdict you deserve. We know the strategies insurance companies use to attack your claim and that gives us the ability to effectively combat the insurance company’s tactics and get you everything you deserve.

These are the types of vehicles involved in accidents for which our attorneys have received a successful verdict or settlement:

Our success speaks for itself. Take a look at our results page to see some of our recent automobile accident settlements and verdicts. In addition, here are some favorable settlements for motor vehicle accidents:

  • Plaintiff accepts a settlement of $800,000. A 51-year-old woman previously disabled from neck injuries was caused to suffer severe lumbar injuries which required spinal surgery from a side-impact crash.
  • Plaintiff accepts $410,000. A 38-year-old woman suffered an aggravation of back injuries from a prior work incident when her car was rear-ended by a careless driver.
  • Plaintiff awarded $750,000 verdict. 42-year-old woman sustained a concussion/closed head injury and suffered from post-concussion syndrome after a left turn motor vehicle accident and was awarded $750,000 for pain and suffering.

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, please don’t hesitate to contact us now to discuss your claim, so you can start focusing on your recovery. Contact us at 716-882-AUTO (2886) or fill out the contact form.

We have motor vehicle attorneys on staff in the Buffalo, New York, area who will be happy to discuss your claim with you.